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SLS Expo  logoSaudi Entertainment and Amusement Expo Logo 

المعرض السعودي للترفيه والتسلية
20 - 22 مايو 2025 | 3 مساءً - 9 مساءً
واجهة الرياض مركز المعارض والمؤتمرات

Exhibitor Products


Saudi Entertainment & Amusement Expo Hero

31 ينا 2024

HEXaFLITE® Flying Theatre

Simtec Systems Gmbh Hall: 3 Stand: 3C339

The system design of the HEXaFLITE® allows full 6-DOF movements right from the beginning of the ride in the loading position. This possibility combines a traditional motion-based simulator ride with a flying theatre - more fun and thrills right from the start. Starting the motion in loading position and continuing the motion while moving into show position vastly expands the opportunities for creating new experiences.
