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المعرض السعودي للترفيه والتسلية
20 - 22 مايو 2025 | 3 مساءً - 9 مساءً
واجهة الرياض مركز المعارض والمؤتمرات

Exhibitor News


Saudi Entertainment & Amusement Expo Hero

07 ماي 2024

Spacetoon Showcases Innovative Entertainment Concepts at SEA Expo

Spacetoon International Stand: 1C100

Spacetoon, a leading entertainment powerhouse in the MENA region, has recently announced its participating in the upcoming Saudi Entertainment and Amusement Expo (SEA) taking place in Riyadh Front from May 7th to 9th


Spacetoon will be showcasing a diverse array of offerings at booth 1C100. Visitors can expect to discover not only customized entertainment services designed specifically for regional families, but also a glimpse into the future of entertainment for young audiences through Spacetoon’s innovative and advanced concepts.

"Our participation at SEA Expo signifies our dedication to continuous growth and adaptation” Said Ahmad Weiss, the General Manager of Spacetoon’s entertainment arm.

Fueled by a passion to entertain audiences across the region, Spacetoon has consistently grown and adapted its offerings. Their approach centers on three key pillars:

  • Imagine Creative Concept: Spacetoon starts by brainstorming innovative and engaging entertainment ideas.
  • Create an Entertainment Concept: Once a concept is chosen, Spacetoon brings it to life with high-quality production.
  • Experience an Engaging Event: Spacetoon’s concepts culminate in interactive and unforgettable events for kids and families.

A History of Creating Engaging Entertainment Experiences

Steeped in over two decades of experience entertaining families across the MENA region, Spacetoon brings a wealth of knowledge and excitement to the entertainment industry.  

“We have been in the market since 2000. We are particularly excited by the dynamic developments in the Saudi entertainment scene, and we are proud to be a part of this positive change.” said Ahmad Weiss. 

He added: “We are eager to present new and engaging entertainment experiences while fostering valuable partnerships within the industry”.

This commitment to quality is evident in Spacetoon’s successful track record. Over the past three years, they’ve contributed to creating and launching over 125 carefully-designed activations, themed events, and live concerts in Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar, all geared towards meeting the needs of families in the region.

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